Your everyday medication companion

It really helps me as an assistant, and I can rely on it more than my own memory.
I think the Dose App and Medbox are fantastic! I get notified when I am close to my meds and really CAN take them. Another good thing is that I can later check if I took the med or not because I tend to forget.
Dose Medbox has helped me to be a better mom, to cope with myself during the day, and to actually manage to do some of life's boring stuff too.
I’m a collected person but when it comes to taking pills I've always struggled. This year I was diagnosed with a bunch of stomach issues so taking pills on time became really important to me. With Dose I have never missed a single medication. Apart from the app, I love how my Medbox feels in my hand. A super helpful product!
I use it both for myself and my kids to keep everything on track. Another great function is when it reminds me that I’m running out of my meds so I can order them in time.